The Rainbow Gateway

Carla Thompson, July 30, 2018

On Friday July 27 there was a profound gift from the source of All-That-Is. This gift was in the energetic form of what can be best described as living wheels of consciousness.  The manifestation of these living wheels of rainbow light are here now, and they are here to stay.  On this day they were fully integrated into the new living Fifth Dimensional crystalline Matrix that appeared recently…/ascension-report-summer-solstice-and-beyond  and replaced the old third dimensional matrix.

We have made a quintessential leap into a permanent and unified reality of what may be called the Fifth Dimension.  I personally feel that the reality before us has changed, forever. 

I have received two messages regarding this Gateway, one from Astraea et Amora yesterday and a second one today from a new beautiful, extremely high frequency source – the Crystalline Beings of the Rainbow Rays. I am going to share both because as with all of my messages there are embedded ascension codes within each message.

I wish each and all of you the love, the peace and the eternal joy that I have felt with the personal integration of these beautiful wheels of Light!

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Ascension Report: Summer Solstice and Beyond

Carla Thompson, July 29, 2018

The Beauty of a New Truth

Events Unfolding Through the Summer Solstice and Beyond

June 29: Message from Astraea et Amora:

“Beloved Ones, we hold you in high esteem in this moment!  Your continued success has moved this world forward further into a  creation of pristine beauty that holds only the truth of our shared divine desires!  The beauty of this unfolding moment is of magnificent proportion!  Such love and caring you hold and share!

Through the silence and stillness  [Summer Solstice – June 21 to 22 (nighttime: 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.CET, when all reality seemed to stand still, note Carla] it was the moment of  the Separation.  This was the separation of the prevalent matrix which no longer served humanity, nor Gaia, nor any other Being upon her.  This shift was of a divine ordinance set out long ago to occur when all would be in perfect alignment through the corridors of both space, time and value.  New quantum alignments facilitated such a shift and the new magnetic foundation provided the certainty of success.”

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