The Great Unification – Watch the World Bloom!

Credit:  Abby

A Message from Astraea and Amora for All Lightbearers

Carla Thompson, December 30th, 2018

By the grace of God – You are a chosen one!  By the grace of God – You are deemed perfection in human form!

This alignment of deep cosmic forces creates a gateway to the field of Unity Consciousness that is in-flowing, a gateway to the source of infinite light, a light-frequency that moves aside all energy founded in separation, where thought has created judgment and emotional separation.  The gift of this alignment comes in the form of great beauty, love, and harmony for All in this expression of Creation. 

Primarily, this gateway brings with it infinite balance. What is required of you is primarily the balance of the feminine to the masculine expression.  We have not spoken of this directly before, but it is now time to do so, as there is an opportunity to embrace one’s movement into the unity field through a recalibration of one’s inner thought and emotion surrounding the concepts of feminine and masculine. 

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