Ascension Foretold – A Poetic Vision

by Kathleen O’Meara, pen name Grace Ramsay (1839 –1888), an Irish-French Catholic writer in the late Victorian era.

This prophetic vision of Kathleen O’Meara appeared in her second novel Iza’s Story about the struggle of Polish patriots against Russian, Austrian and German occupation ( see also Pan Tadeusz). The book* compares the Polish-Russian situation to the Irish-British situation and praises the revolt of a small nation against a great neighbour.

For me, this is the quintessential expression of life in the Fifth Dimension, toward which we are moving very quickly.  Every sentence brings joy into my Heart! ~ AMORA

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The Violet Flame of Transformation – Science and Alchemy

Amora, December 24, 2019

Image result for images of violet sky"

Science:  A Message from The Elohim

“From the Realms of Light, the Source of the First Cause of Creation, we reveal the Violet Flame which holds infinite power of Transformation. It is Eternal, all-encompassing and it has arrived in its full power to flood all beings of Light and Life during this auspicious time of light expansion, the Great Solstice Portal, and beyond.

The Violet Flame is here to create great transformation upon the Earth plane and each of the realities within this plane of existence are experiencing profound and dramatic change. It is no doubt the biggest moment in your collective history where the Violet Fire has begun to transform All before it.

Continue reading “The Violet Flame of Transformation – Science and Alchemy”

Transcending Heaven’s Gate

Amora, August 20, 2019

Sunrise at Diano Marina – Photo taken by Amora

It is with profound joy that I am bringing to You the sacred messages I have received within the past 48 hours that describe what has transpired energetically over this beautiful month of August!  Every month of August promises to deliver – and this one has been no exception. In fact, the past three weeks have brought the most intense energetic shifts yet, during our ongoing expansion into the Light.

You will have noticed this energetic shift by either feeling the energy moving into and through your fields and body, or by noticing the actions and behaviour of those who do not seem to feel energy at all and may express themselves in unusual ways. It is certain that every one of us has experienced some form of shift, either personally and directly, or through observing others in our lives. This very intense transition period has finished and we have been successful in transcending into a new Universe, a Universe where the ascended state is the norm and where we shall now experience our own inherent powers of creation as they were intended.

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The Energetic Background to Our Call To Consciousness

Amora, July 15, 2019

Today I am being guided, more like urged, to share the energetic background to my last publication, A Call To Consciousness, so here I am publishing the notes I made in my journal on the 10th of July.  There may be some who don’t understand the urgency of a Unified Field of Creation from the 7th Dimension as being an important issue. Therefore, I am heeding my Soul and publishing my Notes, the statements of which were presented to me as formulas or mathematical equations. This is the best way I can describe them.

With love,


Continue reading “The Energetic Background to Our Call To Consciousness”

A Call To Consciousness!

To All Lightbearers and Lightwarriors of The Ascension

Amora, July 11, 2019

Over recent weeks I have experienced a substantial shift in my awareness that has offered me a new perspective on this Ascension Cycle. The different dimensional frequencies have refined and I am able to hold a consistently high level of awareness that has afforded me a new vision of what is taking place within the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequency Bands.

What I have been shown through my personal connections to the Higher Realms is a third-dimensional frequency entwined with a fourth-dimensional frequency. I see and feel the fourth-dimensional frequency positioning itself energetically to hold on as tightly as possible to the Third Dimensional frequency because this is where it gets its energy from.

After an intense personal encounter with the 4th-dimensional frequency over the past 48 hours, I am acutely aware now of the importance of releasing our reality from the 4D world of darkness that has wrapped itself all around us hoping to use our energy as fuel to continue on in eternity. Continue reading “A Call To Consciousness!”

Readings With Amora


NOW is a time of NEW EXPANSION INTO THE LIGHT!  and I, AMORA am excited to share the knowledge I am now receiving through my I AM Presence.  I have received and embraced guidance to provide Ascended Numerology Readings to all who desire to learn more about the TRUE origin of their Souls and who wish to learn about their sacred mission in this lifetime, during this age of enlightenment.

The Ascended Numerology Reading is an Ancient system from the days of the Antiquity and is based on the Birth Document.  Many sacred messages will be revealed to me through my connection with the quantum field, both from your Guides and Ascended Masters accompanying you in this lifetime, as well as through any messengers of the Light who will make themselves known.  By learning sacred information about your own Self, your Soul, you will feel guided and empowered to move into your vision of sacred service, or perhaps create a new vision for yourself.

Let us discover together the origin of your Soul and the mission you came here to share with others at this time of the Awakening!

Visit my website on Ascended Numerology at  to commence your journey to capture your divine inner essence ~

With Love


Wheels of Light and Life: The KEY to Access the Unity Consciousness Field

Carla Thompson, April 29, 2019 

The last message from Astraea and Amora spoke about the new energetic conditions arising from the presence of new Plasma Light.  Plasma Light also affects the Wheels of Light and Life that have graced us since February 16th of this year. Of course with Plasma Light present here now as living conscious light, we are told this now creates the KEY to our healed world, through the activation of the Five Crystalline Rays of Creation.

Plasma Light is conscious light and as such can access instantly ALL knowing within the Higher Realms/ Source/ God.  What I personally know, it is accessed through a base wave of Pure Love. The Pure Love is carried on the plasma light wave and this mixture creates the magical condition to instantly access all aspects of the Unity Field of Consciousness. This was not available to us in this way before now.

Continue reading “Wheels of Light and Life: The KEY to Access the Unity Consciousness Field”

Our Galactic Sun Aligns with the Great Central Sun and Plasma Reigns

Carla Thompson, April 26, 2019

Related imagePlasma is the essence of the Unity Field ~ Magnetic, Superconductive and Superconscious

We are at a very expansive time in the Ascension where the presence of photonic light has been replaced with a new kind of light – Plasma Light.  This unique and very delicate plasma light has been with us in minute quantities for a few years, but now new galactic alignments have recently caused a plasma burst to flood the Earth and each living being on the planet.

Over the years these messages have centred around a discussion of the supporting energetic qualities of an ascended reality including Magnetism, Superconductivity and Non-Polarity [Message 5, Message 6, Message 7].  An overview of the sequence of the messages clearly shows the beautiful unfolding of the ascension in very fine increments, step by step, reflecting how cosmic energies are naturally and gently melding into our reality, taking us higher and higher into ever-refining frequencies that hold unified awareness, also known as the field of Unity Consciousness.  Continue reading “Our Galactic Sun Aligns with the Great Central Sun and Plasma Reigns”