The Energetic Background to Our Call To Consciousness

Amora, July 15, 2019

Today I am being guided, more like urged, to share the energetic background to my last publication, A Call To Consciousness, so here I am publishing the notes I made in my journal on the 10th of July.  There may be some who don’t understand the urgency of a Unified Field of Creation from the 7th Dimension as being an important issue. Therefore, I am heeding my Soul and publishing my Notes, the statements of which were presented to me as formulas or mathematical equations. This is the best way I can describe them.

With love,


Continue reading “The Energetic Background to Our Call To Consciousness”

A Call To Consciousness!

To All Lightbearers and Lightwarriors of The Ascension

Amora, July 11, 2019

Over recent weeks I have experienced a substantial shift in my awareness that has offered me a new perspective on this Ascension Cycle. The different dimensional frequencies have refined and I am able to hold a consistently high level of awareness that has afforded me a new vision of what is taking place within the Third and Fourth Dimensional Frequency Bands.

What I have been shown through my personal connections to the Higher Realms is a third-dimensional frequency entwined with a fourth-dimensional frequency. I see and feel the fourth-dimensional frequency positioning itself energetically to hold on as tightly as possible to the Third Dimensional frequency because this is where it gets its energy from.

After an intense personal encounter with the 4th-dimensional frequency over the past 48 hours, I am acutely aware now of the importance of releasing our reality from the 4D world of darkness that has wrapped itself all around us hoping to use our energy as fuel to continue on in eternity. Continue reading “A Call To Consciousness!”