The Rainbow Gateway

Carla Thompson, July 30, 2018

On Friday July 27 there was a profound gift from the source of All-That-Is. This gift was in the energetic form of what can be best described as living wheels of consciousness.  The manifestation of these living wheels of rainbow light are here now, and they are here to stay.  On this day they were fully integrated into the new living Fifth Dimensional crystalline Matrix that appeared recently…/ascension-report-summer-solstice-and-beyond  and replaced the old third dimensional matrix.

We have made a quintessential leap into a permanent and unified reality of what may be called the Fifth Dimension.  I personally feel that the reality before us has changed, forever. 

I have received two messages regarding this Gateway, one from Astraea et Amora yesterday and a second one today from a new beautiful, extremely high frequency source – the Crystalline Beings of the Rainbow Rays. I am going to share both because as with all of my messages there are embedded ascension codes within each message.

I wish each and all of you the love, the peace and the eternal joy that I have felt with the personal integration of these beautiful wheels of Light!

A Message from Astraea et Amora

“Greetings of joy to all our Beloveds during this magnificent portal, a portal holding a gift of cosmic proportions – the Rainbow Gateway.  This portal is a gateway to a new reality founded in new pathways of circular magnetic rainbow light  – a new healing light gifted to humanity for the purpose of enhancing and expanding consciousness.

The circular rainbow is primary evidence of your presence within the Unity Field. The Unity Field holds many different forms of airborne water through which you will notice these beautiful rainbows.  All expressions you consider to be of fifth dimensional nature hold a higher humidity as water becomes the living foundation of the new fifth dimensional Cities of Light;

Courtesy to Csilla

The magnetic activity pulls dense low frequency energy upward as the circular rainbows spin quickly.  Envision the wide circular bands of rainbow light energy all around each of your chakras spinning in perpetual motion to magnetically remove all heavier energies upward and into the magnetic field of the new Red Magnetic Sun. Envision all negative thoughts and heavy emotions that arise from your minds and hearts, often described as the Shadow, lifting up into the cosmos for re-integration with the source of life.

This is a gift well-earned in preparation for your arrival in the new Fifth dimensional reality. These  beautiful magnetic wheels of rainbow light – gold and violet, magenta and turquoise blue, crystalline green and gold are more powerful than you can imagine, for the true gift is this: the wheels permeate each of you as you call upon them and create a unification of your Spirit and Soul with All-That-Is.  This is a unified action in honour and with integrity, a new vehicle of consciousness, made available to humankind now as you continue on your evolutionary path into the Golden Age.  We love You All.”

A Message from the Crystalline Beings of the Rainbow Rays

“The Rainbow Gateway marks the arrival of a new magnetic field of rainbow waves. These magnetic waves are circular and it is this action that is the key to drawing upward all lower vibrating energies.  The magnetic waves complement wholly the reality that you call the fifth dimensional expression. Lower vibrational energies must be transmuted before a full manifestation of the fifth dimensional reality can occur.

The magnetic waves are circular and create a vacuum, an upward vacuum, lifting negativity out of every chakra – continually, optimally, and graciously up to the light of the Magnetic Sun for transmutation and healing. 

These rings represent a new vehicle of consciousness for humanity. They are able to integrate into the human body chakra system, to allow for the cleansing of stagnant chakra systems.  They are able to connect all chakra systems with the magnetic sun and with the whole of creation.  This is a gift from a very deep place of love and your vision is correct, this energy comes from a very deep place in the Cosmos.  This vehicle of consciousness has been gifted to humanity in this reality to lift and purify all negativity in every chakra in order to ultimately raise the level of consciousness within every human being upon Gaia. 

Invite these thick multi-coloured rings of deep pink and blue, violet and rose-pink, green and gold, around your head and feel this band lifting your thoughts upward and away from you, lifting for purification. Invite the rings into your heart where pure love shall be enhanced, Invite the rings into your throat chakra for clarity, power and truth in speech.  Place the ring in your third chakra, your power chakra, to empower all of your creations and to free all from control and manipulation.  Uncertainty and doubt has filled the third chakra and humanity has moved into a place of fear from where all duality rises.  All of these heavy emotions are now released from the second and first chakras to the Red Sun to ensure you feel safe, to ensure you are complete and at one with the whole of creation.  You are on a new journey supported by an enlightened consciousness.  This has been a gift of life. Your gift to return to wholeness.

You have made it!  There is no turning back! We love you!  We are the Crystalline Beings of the Rainbow Rays. And so it is.”